EdEvaluation.com — Individual Educational Evaluations for San Francisco Bay Area Students


Letter to Visitor

Dear Visitor,

Thank you! You've given a great gift to our family. —Heather

I work with families to identify educational needs of their children. Through an extensive series of interviews, tests, and questionnaires, I gather academic profiles of students: what are their areas of strength and what are their weakness. Like a detective, I look for clues in cases where children fail to thrive in their educational environments. My particular expertise is in understanding how people learn and think—cognitive science. I compile my results into an extensive report which gives parents, teachers, and students an individualized road map to achieving academic success.

All the information I gather during these evaluations, I make available to the parents. They are free to share it with their child’s teachers and doctors. As part of the education evaluation, I meet with the whole family several times: at the start to understand the family concerns and to explain what I can do to help; and at the end to summarize and discuss the results. I believe a child should always be present at both of these meetings. it’s important that a student understands the recommendations.

While I am a doctor of education, I am not a medical doctor. If at any point during the evaluation I notice a pattern of behavior that leads me to believe that there might be an underlying medical condition, I refer the family back to their pediatrician. I continue to work with the family to create optimum educational environments and support structures under the supervision of their doctor.

I have created materials designed for each parent and each teacher to fill out individually. Finally, I have a series of tests which I administer to the child in person.

I live in San Francisco and work with families from around the Bay Area. The subject matter tests I use are based on the California Content Inventory for each grade level and subject matter, thus their applicability are limited to California students only. I also meet personally with the students as well as their families several times during the course of the evaluation.

An educational evaluation generally runs about $2,000. It’s not covered by insurance. It takes about a month to complete, depending on scheduling.

Thank you very much for your interest. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Photograph of Olga Werby

Olga Werby, Ed.D.
(415) 668-4372